How to cite electronic media (Modelled after the 1994 APA guidelines) FTP or Telnet: Kehoe, B.P. (1992). _Zen and the art of the Internet (2nd. Ed.), [Online]. Available FTP (Telnet): Directory: pub/etext/1992 File: Zen10.text Articles available via e-mail: Root, C. (1994). ESL and learning disabilities: A guide for the ESL practitioner. _TESL-EJ 1_. Available e-mail: LISTSERV#064;CMSA.BERKELEY.EDU Message: GET TESLEJ01 A-4 TESLEJ-L F=Mail To cite e-mail messages: General format: Author (Year, month day). _Subject of message_ [e-mail to receiver's name], [Online]. Available e-mail: receiver's e-mail address. Example: Corio, R. (1994, June 1). _APA Guide deadline_ [e-mail to msokolik#064;], [Online]. Available e-mail: msokolik#064; Computer Programs: Sandford, J.A. & Browne, R.J. (1985). Captain's log: Cognitive Training System (Version 1.0), [Computer program]. Indianapolis: Psychological Software Services, Inc. Online databases: _The educational directory_. [Online]. (1992). Available: Knowledge Index File: The Educational Directory (EDUC6). APA Guidelines. TESLEJ-L. Available e-mail: LISTSERV#064;CMSA.BERKELEY.EDU Message: GET TESLEJ-L APAGUIDE TESLEJ-L F=MAIL .