Clearinghouse on Assessment and Evaluation

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the Clearinghouse on Assessment and Evaluation

Woodcock-Munoz Tests of Cognitive Ability

Test Name: Woodcock-Munoz Tests of Cognitive Ability
Publisher: Riverside Publishing
Publication Date: 1996
Test Type: Developmental
Content: Intelligence
Language: Spanish
Target Population: English Language Learner (ELL)
Grade Level: PK,K,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,Adult
Administration Time: Untimed/Guidelines
Standardized: Yes
Purpose: Proficiency; Other

The Bateria Woodcock-Munoz: Pruebas de habilidad cognitiva - Revisada (Bateria -R COG) is the parallel Spanish version of the Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Cognitive Ability - Revised (WJ - R COG). The Bateria is a set of individually administered tests for measuring cognitive abilities, scholastic aptitudes, and Spanish oral language proficiency for ages 2-90 years, with special provisions for university students. Groupings of tests may be chosen for individual students as needed, and come from two Batteries. The Standard Battery contains the following Tests: Memory for Numbers, Memory for Sentences, Visual Matching, Incomplete Words, Visual Integration, Picture Vocabulary, and Analysis/Synthesis. The Supplementary Battery contains tests of Visual/Auditory Learning, Memory for Words, Crossing Out ( in which a certain symbol is crossed out of a series of similar symbols every time it occurs), Integration of Sounds, Recognizing Pictures, Oral Vocabulary, Concept Formation, Memory for Names, Visual/Auditory Learning, Number Inversion, Sound Configuration, Spatial Relations, Sentence Comprehension, and Verbal Analogies. Scores are reported on the individual Cognitive Evaluation form which is a computer-generated textual description of the level of functioning of the examinee on each of the cognitive abilities tested. These description include grade equivalents, percentiles, and standard scores, as well as a range of activities that the examinee would find easy and difficult. Two additional scales are present in the Bateria which were not present in the WJ - R COG. The first is a rating of oral language proficiency level based on predicted performance in instructional situations requiring cognitive-academic language proficiency. No oral interview is required for this rating. The second is the Comparative Language Index that allows direct comparison of Spanish and English oral language proficiencies in a single index. The norms from the WJ -R COG (English) were used for evaluating test scores on the Spanish version through an equating and calibrating process which involved 2,000 native-Spanish speakers.