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Student Oral Proficiency Rating

Test Name: Student Oral Proficiency Rating
Publisher: Development Associates
Publication Date: 1987
Test Type: Language Proficiency
Content: Speaking/Listening in L2
Language: English
Target Population: English Language Learner (ELL)
Grade Level: K,1,2,3,4,5,6
Administration Time: Untimed/No Guideline
Standardized: Yes
Purpose: Proficiency

This instrument provides a measure of oral language ability. It consists of a matrix made by crossing 5 categories of oral language ability (comprehension, fluency, vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar) by 5 levels of ability ranging from 1 (no ability) to 5 (like monolingual native speaker). Inside each cell of the matrix is a description of the language behavior that the cell definition intends to convey. The rater is ideally the teacher of the student being rated and a native speaker of the language the student is being rated on. The rater's task is to put an x in the cell that describes the student's ability in each area of oral proficiency. In making the decision, the rater is instructed to consider all the situations in which the child interacts. English language oral proficiency, or the native language proficiency, can be assessed with this instrument.

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