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California Diagnostic Reading Tests

Test Name: California Diagnostic Reading Tests
Publisher: CTB/McGraw Hill
Publication Date: 1989
Test Type: Multiple Choice Achievement
Content: Reading/Writing in L1
Language: English
Target Population: Native Speaker of English
Grade Level: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12
Administration Time: Untimed/Guidelines
Standardized: Yes
Purpose: Diagnosis; Placement; Progress

The California Diagnostic Reading Tests (CDRT) are a series of tests for students in grades 1-12 which measure the skills that characterize the successful reader. All test levels contain subtests of Word Analysis, Vocabulary, Comprehension, and Applications, and a 20-item Locator Test may be used to establish which test level to use with a student. The CDRT was designed to be especially useful as a diagnostic tool for students performing below the 50th percentile on standardized achievement tests, and to establish instructional programs for remedial reading and special education students. It is both norm- and criterion-referenced and scores are also expressed as percentiles. Test forms may be scored manually or by machine by the test administrator. Items are multiple-choice and have either three or four response options which are recorded in the test-booklet. Information about reliability and validity, norming and test development is not part of the EAC East collection.

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